Decorative Painting - How to learn
Techniques and inks.
These techniques are dynamic and easy-to-use, getting the maximum art effects.
They were improved in a way anyone can pratical and economically make use them at home for walls and furniture.

These techniques are presented in the volume V as VI.
Except Italian Stucco it is part of Volume VI.

1 - Marble Colour Water

2 - Marble superimposed

3 - Marble Policromatic

4 - Colour Wash

5 - Sponjed Colour Wash

6 - Rag Colour Wash

7 - Dragging Colour Wash

8 - Pátina Colour Wash

9 - Pátina Colour Water

10 - Decapê Colour Wash

11 - Italian stucco

(Click on the image to see decorated rooms)