Art Courses
A variety of drawing and painting techniques, from classic to contemporary styles, are taught. Graphite, aquarelle, crayon, acrylic, oil, indian ink, textures, pale hues, alternative materials;
preparatory course for admittance test at Fine Arts Academy.
Piasson uses a very simple but didactic language so that students can have a quick learning.
Techniques developed by Piasson are a mix of the knowledge acquired along the years with great art masters associated with own researches and a proper teaching style.

Techniques by the artist and his pupils
( Click on the image to magnify)

Wash , water, charcoal and resin empasto

Wash and water

Wash , water, carvão and empasto resinado

Graphite and water



Wash, water and solid texture

Indian ink

Giz pastel chalk

Wash and empasto resinado

Wash and textura sólida

Wash and textura sólida

Giz pastel

Wash, water and empasto resinado

Wash, water and empasto resinado
Faux Painting video-class